
Income records are inherently complex. These can be donations, sales, sponsorships or more. Income can also link to several other records such as an Event or a Pledge.

When importing income, the constituent and any linkage records must previously exist.

Linking income to a constituent can be done two ways. By an external key or by their first and last name. External key is the best way to ensure the income is linked to the correct constituent.

Use this income import example to get you started.

Adding Income

Adding basic income records requires a couple fields.

Income Type

Income Status

External Key or First & Last Name


External Key

The external key of the constituent

Income External Key

The unique external key of this income record.

Income Type

Donation, InKind, Grant, Sale, Bequest, Lifetime, Pending, MembershipDues, BoardDues, SoftCredit, Adjustment, Payable

Income Status

Unknown, Received, Refunded, Receivable, Payable

Income Acknowledgement Status

ToBeIssued, Issued, WillNotBeIssued, Cancelled

Income Acknowledgement Issued On


Income Created By


Income Created On

Date. The date the income was created on.

Income Date

Date. The date the income was received.

Income Tax Amount


Income Base Amount


Income Amount

Number. The total amount of the income record. Should be the combined total of the tax & base amounts.

Payment Type

Payment records can also be created when importing income. There is an option to create the associated payment record before saving the data into Compass-360. When checked, this value will be used.

NotSet, Cash, Check, EFT, CreditCard, CreditCardSoft, DebitCard, GiftInKind, Stock, PassThru, PayrollDeduction, Alternate, Invoice, StoreCredit

Payment Date

Date to be used if a payment record is created. This can be different than the income date. If no date is provided, and a payment record is created, the date of the income record will be used.

Info: There is no direct support for importing payment records. They do not serve as any reporting data and are for historical uses only.

Payment Check Date

Date on the check if a payment record is created with the type of check.

Payment Check Number

Number on the check if a payment record is created with the type of check.

Payment Credit Card Mask

Number. The last four of the credit card number if a payment record is created with the type of credit card.

Payment Credit Card Type

String. The credit card type if a payment record is created with the type of credit card. Ex: VISA.

Payment Credit Card Name

String. The card holder name.

Income Anonymous


Income Fair Market Value


Income Receiptable Amount

Number. The amount that the constituent should receive as a tax write off for this income record.

Income Batch Number

String. The deposit batch number.

Income Accounting Code

String. A predefined accounting code created in the Site Setup Module. These are the basic form of Funds & Allocations.

Income InKind Description

String. Will only be displayed if the type of the income is In-Kind.

Income Quantity

Number. Only used if the income type is Sale or In-Kind.

Income Description

String. Only used if the income type is Sale or In-Kind.

Income Dedication Type

NotSet, InHonorOf, InMemoryOf, OnBehalfOf

Income Dedication First Name

Income Dedication Last Name

Income LinkedTo Event

String. The event name this income should link to. Name must match exactly.

Income LinkedTo Campaign

String. The campaign name this income should link to. Name must match exactly.

Income LinkedTo Pledge

String. The unique external key of the pledge record.

Income Tax Receipt Number


A single note for this income record. If you need more note support such as author or creation date, use the Note import type.

Tag ID

In the format of Tag 600. Add any amount of tag columns that are created in the Site Setup Module.