Creating Pledges from Event Sales
If you have set up donation opportunities (as Spur of the Moment sales) for your event attendees with the intention that it is a monthly sign-up, such as a Sponsor-a-Student or a Year-of-Meals, you can easily turn them into monthly pledges.
To accomplish this, you will first need to set up a Spur of the Moment item to sell at your event.

You can then sell and record this Spur item in the same way that you normally would for any other Spur of the Moment item.
After the sales have been recorded, navigate to the Event Tally menu of the Metrics tab and highlight the Spur item that you have set up to become a pledge by clicking on it.

Then select Details & Actions at the bottom bar.

This will open the Tally Details & Actions menu, where you will then need to highlight all records you wish to create pledges from, then select Create Selected Pledges.

The Batch Pledge Creator window will be launched, where you will be able to set the type of pledge processing, if you would like to have the pledge process automatically and whether or not to use the attendees vaulted cards, adjust the recurring amount if needed, set the number of remaining payment slots, and the date of the next processing.

After selecting Create Pledges, a loader will generate the pledges and create the payment slots; you will be able to then select Back through both windows after the process has been completed.
On the date that you run your event checkout, the first payment of the pledge will be created, with the next processing on the Next Payment Date that you have established.
The pledges will be reviewable in the Pledges Module, where the created pledges will be linked to your event. Any created pledges linked to an attendee with a vaulted card will be set to recurring and automatically processing, depending on your settings when creating the pledges.

If you need to collect payment information for your pledges, you can direct your donors to their Pledge Management Portal, where they will be able to vault a credit card to enable automatic processing going forward.