Refunding Invoices

If you would like to refund payments in the Point of Sales terminal, you can refund the money to your constituent or apply it to a store credit for the constituent.

  1. Navigate to the Point of Sales module.
  2. Click on the POS Terminal button.
  3. With the POS terminal open, click on the Settings button in the upper right hand side, and click Load Invoice.
  1. Enter the invoice number for the invoice you would like to refund.
  1. Click the ➕ icon on the right hand side of the purchased amount.
  1. Enter the amount you would like to refund.

If you Issue a Refund, and the payment was made by a credit card through Compass-360, the refund will automatically be credited back to the credit cards. Cash, check, etc. will need to be refunded to the constituent independently, and this refund will just be tracked in Compass-360.

If you select Refund to Store Credit, a store credit will be created in the name of that constituent that can be applied to their future purchases.