Corporate Giving Campaigns

You can use Compass-360 to create and manage corporate giving and pledging campaigns (think United Way-stylized payroll deduction campaigns), which can manage pledges, payments, direct gifts, designations, etc.

While corporate giving campaigns are targeted for our United Way cliental, they can actually be more widely used for managing buckets of corporate giving.

Essentially, corporate campaigns allow for you multiple partner’s to run the same type of campaign, while still allowing for customization at the individual corporation level.

Corporate Giving Hierarchy

With a traditional C360 campaign, you create an individual campaign for each effort. With corporate giving campaigns there is an added level: you first create a high-level campaign typically distinguished by a time frame or theme, and then create the individual efforts underneath.

For example, if you have multiple corporation’s who want to run themed campaigns underneath Giving Tuesday, you can create a Giving Tuesday 2021 corporate campaign, add the various partners to that campaign, and then customize each portal depending on their needs.

This allows for a more hierarchical structure to your campaigns that have commonality, easing reporting.

Adding a New Corporate Campaign

From the Campaigns Module, select Add New Campaign, then give your campaign a Name and Description, and Save. This will open the Edit Campaign Management menu, where...

Adding a Corporate Participant to your Corporate Campaign

To add a Corporate Participant to your Corporate Campaign, right-click your current Corporate Campaign from the Corporate Giving Campaign Manager, and select Add Corporate Participant. You will...

Corporate Participant Campaign Portal Settings

To craft the Campaign Portal for your Corporate Participant, highlight them in the Corporate Giving Campaign Manager, then select Portal Settings. This will open the Corporate Campaign...

Accessing Corporate Participant Campaign Portals

From your Corporate Giving Campaign Manager, you can access your Corporate Participants portals in two ways. First, if you highlight the participant in question, then right-click, and...

Matching Pending Members

When a contribution comes through online, the member will need to be matched to a constituent record. Pending members can be identified by the purple question mark...

Payroll Deductions

Corporate employees have the option to sign-up for payroll deduction, which is essentially making a pledge. However, instead of C360 running a card for each recurring payment,...

Reporting for Corporate Campaigns

From your Corporate Giving Campaign Management menu, highlight the Corporate Participant that you would like to pull data from, then select Export Data. You will be able...