Query Module
A query is a request for data or information from a database table or combination of tables.
The Query Module is where you will be able to search the data that you have entered into Compass-360 and view that information in a spreadsheet format. From here, you’ll be able to export information as needed, email selected demographics of donors and create various mail merges.
Selecting and Running a Query
Open the Query Module to see the list of default queries created for each Compass-360 module. Expand the box next to each to see all the queries...
Viewing Query Results
After running the query, you will be able to view and filter the results of the query. The results of the query will be listed. You can...
Utilizing the Query Results
Once you have a customized the resulting list of your query you can use the list for multiple purposes. Options Export Data The Export Data button will...
Sorting and Filtering Query Results
Compass-360 displays information in a familiar column and row format, much like excel. You can sort and filter this information to show the data as you need...